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Scarification has become increasingly popular over the last few years. From simple designs to intricate works of art, scars have caught the interest of many clients from all walks of life. Like piercing, every story and every design is as unique and interesting as its wearer.
The types of scars I perform are cutting and skin removal.
Cutting: Performed with a scalpel, I literally cut the design into the skin by going over an image or design with the blade. The cuts are no more than about 3mm deep depending on the area being cut and the pain can be compared to that of a tattoo. There is no skin actually removed.
Skin Removal: This form of scarification is performed by removing sections of the skin to create the design. I first cut the outline just like I would when doing a single cut design. I then lift the skin from a corner on the inside of the design and cut away at the bottom to free the skin from beneath.
Results from either procedure vary from person to person. Darker skin tends to keloid or scar more raised than lighter skin, and aftercare plays a huge role in how your scar will turn out. Some people end up with a heavy thick scar and others scar flat and lighter. Over time all scars mature, some clients start with a raised and discolored scar and afterwards their scar flattens out and turns white.